var new_contact = { "First name": "John", //Replace with first name of the user "Last name": "Doe", //Replace with last name of the user "Email": "", //Replace with email of the user "Alternate contact number": "98765432", //Replace with a custom field "company": { "Name": "", //Replace with company name "Website": "" //Replace with website of company } }; var identifier = ""; fwcrm.identify(identifier, new_contact); FM.trackCustomEvent("Added to cart", { "email": "", "price": 100.21, "currency": "USD", "is_mobile_transaction": true, "return date": "2019-12-30" }); var sample_properties = { "Address": "8691 MacGyver Mews", //Replace with address of user "City": "New Jermaine", //Replace with city of user "Mobile": "13457879", //Replace with mobile number of user "Alternate Contact Number": "98765432" //Replace with a custom field }; fwcrm.set(sample_properties);
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Do Nevada Solar Incentives Make It Affordable for Homeowners to Go Solar?


Yes, absolutely! Although the cost of converting to solar power in the area is above the national average, the incentives available from the state and federal government help make conversion more affordable and accessible.


The typical cost of a solar panel system in NV is $25,200, which is a few thousand dollars over the national average. This estimate is based on the per-watt cost in the area of around $2.52 and the average system size of 10 kilowatts (kW), which is required to offset the above-average energy needs in the state.1


Thankfully, the Silver State has a progressive Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) goal to produce 50% of its energy from clean sources by 2030.2 


That goal has led to better incentives than most other states, which help to bring down the cost of converting to renewable energy by thousands of dollars in most cases.


In the table below, we’ll include a list of all of the solar incentives available in your area. We’ll also provide estimated savings for each, which assume the average system size and energy bills for your area.




















What Do Nevadans Need to Know About the Federal Solar Tax Credit?

The federal tax credit is a perk offered by the federal government, so it’s available to all Nevada residents. It guarantees you get a credit to your income taxes owed for the year you install your system, and the credit is currently equal to 30% of your entire equipment and installation cost.

Given the average local cost of converting to solar — around $25,200 — the typical credit sits at $7,560. That amount is credited to your tax liability for the year you convert to solar, and any unused credit can be pushed forward for up to five total tax years.


This credit was established in 2005 and was set to expire in 2024. The credit was scheduled to drop to 26% in 2022 and 22% in 2023 before disappearing altogether in 2024. However, the Inflation Reduction Act signed in 2022 pushed the credit for 2022 systems back up to 30% and modified the schedule as follows:


  • 30% for systems installed between 2022 and 2032

  • 26% for systems installed in 2033

  • 22% for systems installed in 2034

  • 0% for systems installed in 2035 and beyond



How to Claim the Federal ITC in Nevada

One of the best parts about the federal credit is the ease with which you can apply for it. It requires just a single form to be filled out and filed with your taxes. The steps to claim this amazing perk are listed below.


  • Step 1: Print out form 5695 from the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) website.

  • Step 2: Fill out the form. You’ll need some information about your system — like the size and total cost of solar — which you should be able to get from your solar company or installation documents. You’ll also need some basic information about the company that carried out the solar electric installation.

  • Step 3: File the completed form along with your taxes. You can include the document with your filing if you use a tax software like TurboTax, or you can follow the prompts regarding efficiency upgrades to fill out the form electronically.



EcoWatch’s Opinion on the Federal ITC in Nevada

We believe the federal credit is the most valuable incentive you can take. It provides an average potential value of over $7,500, is available to all taxpayers and takes just a few minutes of your time to file for.


The value you get for the time and energy invested is unmatched. Plus, if you owe enough on your taxes, you can get the entire value just a few months after going solar, which isn’t the case for perks like net energy metering.


While the federal credit is an outstanding benefit program, you should keep in mind that not every solar customer will be able to take the full credit amount. It only applies if you owe money in income taxes to the IRS. If you don’t expect to owe at least $1,500 per year in taxes over the next five years, then you’ll only be eligible for a partial credit.



What You Should Know About the NV Energy Storage Incentive Program in Nevada

This perk is similar to a solar rebate, but the amount you get back is determined by how much solar energy stored in your batteries you share with NV Energy during peak consumption hours. Basically, your stored energy helps the utility provider keep up with demand and reduce strain on the electric grid.


The rate you get per watt-hour you share depends on whether you’re on a time-of-use (TOU) energy plan or a non-TOU energy plan. The credit per watt-hour you share is up to $0.19 per watt-hour — or $190 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) — for TOU customers or up to $0.095 per watt-hour for non-TOU customers — or $95 per kWh.


The maximum incentive is capped at $3,000 for TOU customers and $1,500 for non-TOU customers.

It’s very difficult to say with any confidence what amount you’d be eligible for, as there are many factors to consider. Your energy plan matters, as do your solar battery storage capacity and the fluctuating demand in your area.

The likelihood is that, over time, you’d be able to meet the maximum credit of $3,000 for TOU customers or $1,500 if you’re a non-TOU customer. Of course, this depends heavily on your battery capacity.



How to Claim the Solar Storage Incentive in Nevada

Applying for this perk is straightforward, but there is a fee to do so, which is unfortunate. If you think it’s worth applying, you can follow the steps below.


  • Step 1: Head over to NV Energy’s web page for net energy metering, interconnection and storage incentive information.

  • Step 2: Create an online account if you don’t have one already.

  • Step 3: Fill out the application for the storage incentive. You’ll need information about your batteries, including the brand, total capacity, usable capacity and more.

  • Step 4: Pay the application fee. If your system capacity is below 10 kW, the fee is $130. If it’s above the average size of 10 kW, you’re looking at a $200 application fee.

  • Step 5: A representative from the power company will reach out to you after your application is confirmed with any additional steps you need to take.


EcoWatch’s Opinion on NV Energy’s Storage Incentive Program in Nevada

The storage incentive program is a great way to reduce the effective cost of including solar batteries with your panels. While it’s a decent way to save some money, it’s not our favorite program for a few reasons.


First, it’s not available to all residents. Only those who are serviced by NV Energy can take this perk. We’ve included it in the general incentives, though, because more than two-thirds of the state is serviced or serviceable by this power company, so most customers can take it.


Second, there’s an application fee, which is a drawback, and there’s no guarantee of any kind that you’ll see a financial benefit from this perk. Cash-back amounts are based on fluctuations in demand, so you may never see a substantial amount of money back after applying. Even if you do, it might take quite a long time to see a return.


What You Should Know About the Property Tax Exemption in Nevada

Normally, any improvements to a property that increase its value will drive up the property taxes as well. The Silver State ignores the value added by solar power systems when assessing property taxes, but only for commercial customers. This prevents commercial taxes from going up following solar conversion.


It’s possible that the state will, at some point, include this exemption for residential customers, which we would love to see.



How to Apply for the Property Tax Exemption in Nevada

Unfortunately, you cannot apply for this exemption as a residential solar customer. If you’re a commercial solar customer, you can simply install your solar energy system, and you’ll automatically get access to the perk. Your tax assessor will ignore any value added by your solar power system when assessing your property value for taxation.



EcoWatch’s Opinion on the Exemption for Property Taxes in Nevada

Property tax exemptions are outstanding perks in most cases, as they provide thousands of dollars in tax savings and are automatically applied when you convert to solar.

Unfortunately, this perk is not available for residential customers, which is a pretty major downside, in our opinion. We’d love to see this financial incentive applied to all solar customers in the state, but for now, this perk is relatively lackluster, in our opinion.



Net Energy Metering in Nevada

(NEM) is a billing policy that lets you take advantage of all solar production, even if you don’t use the power you’re generating. Through interconnection, it lets you bank energy credits for all overproduction. The energy you send to the grid earns you those credits, which can be used to reduce future bills and effective electricity rates.


NEM is mandated for all power companies in the state, including NV Energy, Valley Electric Association and more. The rate at which customers are credited for the excess energy they send to the grid is based on tiers. The state currently is at tier four, which is the last and least beneficial tier. Still, it provides 75% of the value of each kWh you send to the grid.


It’s tough to say how much NEM is likely to save you over time on your utility bills. However, the average lifetime savings for solar conversion in the state is around $18,319. Net energy metering is likely to help you achieve or even surpass these savings.


We should mention that net energy metering policies have been changing in many states, usually for the worse. Some customers are seeing rates drop, while others are seeing the policy go away altogether.


NEM has been a point of contention among local electric companies, the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) and electric customers in the state. It seems like the rate is not settled at 75% of the retail rate, but this could change with alterations to legislation in the future.



How to Enroll in Net Energy Metering in Nevada

Thankfully, enrolling in net metering is more or less automatic for many homeowners, as solar panel installation companies often enroll for you. You can follow the steps below to make sure you get access to this incentive.


  • Step 1: We suggest first calling your power company to confirm you’re eligible for interconnection. You might need a bidirectional meter installed, which your provider should offer to you at no cost.

  • Step 2: Choose a solar installer. We suggest screening companies in part by seeing which ones will apply to net energy metering for you. Reliable companies tend to offer this service automatically, so it’s a good thing to look for in a solar contractor.

  • Step 3: Have your solar energy system installed.

  • Step 4: Check your energy bills after installation to ensure that your credits are registering with your utility.


EcoWatch’s Opinion on Net Metering in Nevada

Net energy metering has historically been one of the most valuable incentives for solar customers according to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA).3 In our opinion, even the below-retail rate you can get for excess energy in the state is a great option and one that is likely to save you quite a lot of money in the long run.


We’re a bit concerned about the future of NEM, given the policy’s tumultuous past in the state. For now, though, we believe it’s one of the most crucial perks to take advantage of, especially since it requires almost no effort on your part to apply and provides great savings in most cases.



Local Solar Incentives in Nevada

There are some additional perks available from local utility companies and other smaller entities throughout the state. We’ll list these below and explain how each can benefit you.


  • Southwest Gas Corporation (SW Gas) Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program: Customers of SW Gas can take cash-back perks for energy-efficient water heaters — up to $225 — and solar water heaters — up to $13 per therm.4

  • SW Gas Smarter Greener Better Solar Water Heating Program: This is another rebate option for residents installing solar water heaters. It provides cash-back perks of up to $3,500 or 50% of the installation cost for solar water heater installations.5

  • NV Energy Solar Thermal Heating Program: Customers of NV Energy can also take a cash-back incentive for water heaters. This option provides cash-back incentives up to $3,000 or 50% of the installation cost, whichever is lower.6


You can call your utility company for other efficiency perks, or you can check the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE) for other options.



Which Tax Incentives Are The Best In Nevada?

Above, we’ve discussed all of the perks available for solar technology in the state, but not all of them provide the same value. Below, we’ll include a quick list of the perks we strongly recommend not missing out on.



The Federal Tax Credit

The federal credit is the single most crucial perk to take, in our opinion. It provides an average credit of over $7,500, which is the highest you’ll see from any incentive in the area. Provided you owe enough in taxes to take the full credit, the value cannot be beaten in the area.


Plus, applying for the credit is super simple and just takes a few minutes of your time. It’s also available to all residents regardless of location and utility company, which cannot be said about the other incentives available in the area.



Net Energy Metering

We also strongly recommend taking advantage of net energy metering. The policy is subject to change, as it has several times in the past, but for right now, the credit rate is set at 75% of the retail value of energy. This isn’t ideal, but it can still help push your all-in savings closer to that average $18,000 mark.


NEM is also available to all residents, thanks to the universal policy set by the PUC. This is especially beneficial in an area like Nevada, where energy consumption is above average and credits go a long way to saving your money over time.



What’s The Near Term Outlook For More Incentives In Nevada?

As of this writing, there are no specific plans in place for new incentives to become available or for existing ones to change.


Since many states have been seeing negative changes to net metering policies, we’d expect this to be the first perk that did get negatively affected if one did. This wouldn’t be terribly surprising, as the policy has seen some changes already in the Silver State.


With that being said, the state’s RPS goal is still solid and calls for 50% clean energy by 2030. We’d be surprised if there were any major changes to any policies before that goal is met.




We get lots of questions about incentives and how much they affect the cost of going solar from residents in your area. We’ll answer some of the questions we get asked most often below.


Is Nevada proposing increasing incentives for rooftop solar in the next 24 months?

As of right now, there are no plans to make perks more appealing in the next two years. This could change if we get closer to 2030 and the RPS goal is at risk of not being met.


Does Nevada have an SREC program?

Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs) are credits you earn for every 1,000 kWh your solar panel system generates, regardless of how that power is used. These credits accumulate and can then be sold if there is an open SREC market.

Unfortunately, there is no local SREC market, so this perk is not available in your area.


What new incentives are there in Nevada following the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act?

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) increased the federal credit for all installations occurring in 2022 by pushing the credit rate up from 26% to 30%. For most Nevadans, this meant an additional $1,008 worth of credit — 4% of the typical $25,200 system cost. The legislation also pushed the credit expiration date forward by ten years, which is outstanding.

The IRA also made electric vehicle (EV) tax credits more appealing. There are some new restrictions following the IRA, but the maximum credit was bumped to $7,500.



Is Nevada reducing incentives for rooftop solar in the next 24 months?

There are no plans right now for incentives to become less available or less beneficial in the next two years. The state has a healthy RPS goal to meet by 2030, so we’d be surprised to see incentives getting reduced before then.

Of course, it is possible that perks will disappear or become less valuable. If that were to happen, we’d expect net energy metering to be the first perk affected. Many states are seeing a decrease in the credit rate or availability of this incentive. Net energy metering policies in NV have had a rocky past, which could mean negative changes in the future.



What Solar Tax Credits, Incentives, and Rebates are Available in Las Vegas?



Southwest Gas Corporation - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Incentive Type:  Rebate Program

Program details:

Water Heating: $225

Solar Water Heating: $13/therm

Learn more:



Southwest Gas Corporation - Smarter Greener Better Solar Water Heating Program

Incentive Type: Rebate Program

Program details:

Varies based on program "step" - see program website.

Learn more:



NV Energy - Clean Energy Incentive Program

Incentive Type: Rebate Program

Program details:

Solar (As of 9/24/18):

Residential/Commercial/Industrial (25 kW or smaller): $0.20 / watt-AC

Low Income/Nonprofit/Public Entity (25 kW or smaller): $0.45 / watt-AC

Residential/Commercial/Industrial (greater than 25 kW): $0.0250 / kWh

Low Income/Nonprofit/Public Entity (greater than 25 kW): $0.0550 / kWh


Wind (As of 9/24/18):

Residential/Commercial/Industrial: $0.40 / watt-AC

Low Income/Nonprofit/Public Entity: $0.80 / watt-AC

Learn more:



Portfolio Energy Credits

Incentive Type: Performance-Based Incentive

Program details:

Varies; higher value for solar PECs than other technologies

Learn more:


Federal Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit

Incentive Type: Personal Tax Credit

Program details:

30% federal tax credit for systems placed in service after 12/31/2021 and before 01/01/2033. Good for: solar water heat, solar photovoltaics, biomass, geothermal heat pumps, wind (small), fuel cells using renewable fuels.

Learn more:



Solar incentives are intended to encourage homeowners to make the switch to renewable energy by providing financial incentives meant to lower the burden of solar panel installation and use. You might be eligible for different types of incentives, including discounts, cash back or credit towards your monthly utility bill, depending on your situation. Some incentives come from your specific utility company, county or municipality, some from the state of Nevada and others from the federal government.


Types of solar incentives might include:


  • Tax Exemptions: Your solar system may qualify for both sales tax and property tax exemptions. Sales tax exemptions come into effect at the time of purchase. Property tax exemptions let you exclude the added value of the solar panels when you are calculating property taxes on your home.

  • Rebates: Your solar installer might help you claim a rebate, or partial refund of your purchase, for your solar panels. States or counties will also sometimes offer limited-time rebates. The value of a rebate will usually come off your total price before tax credits are calculated.

  • Net Metering: Net metering is an incentive you can get after your solar system is up and running. If you have a net metering agreement with your Las Vegas utility company, it will subtract the value of the excess energy produced by your solar system from your monthly utility bill. In some areas, this is a dollar-for-dollar credit, while in other areas you may make back a percentage of the value.

  • Tax Credits: These credits are dollar-for-dollar reductions (not deductions) in the amount of tax that you owe the federal government.



Federal Solar Incentives

When you think about solar incentives, you probably think of federal incentives first. An incentive that most people are probably familiar with is the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC). This is a tax credit for a specific percentage of the cost of your solar system.


The ITC applies to the value of a solar system installed on your primary or secondary residence in the United States. The solar system has to have been installed after January 1, 2006 on a property you own for you to claim the credit. Originally, the ITC covered 30% of all system installation costs (panels, equipment, labor and accessories), although this amount has fluctuated slightly over the last few years between 26-30%. The installation date of your solar system will determine what percentage you are eligible for. There is no cap on the claim amount.


Your local Las Vegas solar panel installer can give you more information about the ITC and how it may apply to your situation.


The ITC has been renewed and expanded following the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act in August 2022. It's also now called the Clean Energy Credit. The Clean Energy Credit runs until 2035. Any solar installation project that is completed between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2032 may qualify for a 30% tax credit. The amount will be decreased slightly each year until the current program ends. Starting in 2023, the expansion will also make it easier to get credit for energy storage systems.


More information about the new Inflation Reduction Act can be found here. To understand how the new Clean Energy Credit might apply to you, speak with your local Las Vegas solar installers.



State & Local Solar Incentives

Some solar incentives may be provided at the state and local level. As with federal incentives, these could include tax credits, rebates and more. Incentives may be given by the state of Nevada, or by your county or municipality. Certain incentives might only be available for a limited time, while others are ongoing.



Next Steps for Installing Solar in Las Vegas

The expanding number of available solar incentives has enormously increased the use of solar power nationwide over the past 15 years. You may receive solar incentives from your local utility company, the Nevada government or the federal government. Speaking with your local Las Vegas solar panel installer is the right first step towards getting all the incentives you qualify for when you switch to solar energy.


EcoWatch's Las Vegas, NV Solar Incentives FAQs



Can I claim incentives for adding solar panels to a rental property, vacation home or commercial property?

While we recommend getting in touch with your local solar installer and/or tax professional to best understand what solar incentives apply to you, many incentives will apply to a second home, provided that it is in the United States and owned by you. There may be additional incentives available specifically for commercial properties, depending on the details.


How much will a solar system save me on my electric bill in Las Vegas annually?

On average, Las Vegas homeowners who install solar panels save around $1,227.28 per year, or around $23,318.40 over 20 years after making the switch.


When does the federal solar tax credit end?

The federal solar tax credit, previously called the ITC and now called the Clean Energy Credit, is scheduled to end January 1, 2035. The current 30% credit will end in 2032, replaced by a 26% credit in 2033 and a 22% credit in 2034.


Nevada solar incentives and rebates can help you save big!!

As all Nevadans know, there’s more to the Silver State than just the Las Vegas Strip: it’s also home to some of the strongest sunshine in the country. It’s no wonder that the Solar Energy Industries Association ranked Nevada as number 5 in its Top 10 Solar States. Take full advantage of that sunshine with Nevada solar incentives and rebates.

The best way to compare your solar options and save money at the same time is by registering on the CWP Solar Solutions Website. When you compare quotes for solar panels on CWP Solar Solutions website, you can expect to see prices up to 20% lower than working with other solar companies.


What are the best Nevada solar tax credits and rebates?

Homeowners in the Silver State can cut their solar installation costs thanks to these Nevada solar incentives and rebates:

Nevada net metering

Net metering gives credits to solar homeowners for the electricity that their solar panels generate. The net metering rules are different depending on your utility:


  • NV Energy: NV Energy customers will receive credits worth 75% of the retail rate of electricity for their excess solar production.

  • Valley Electric Association: Similarly, if you live in Valley Electric Association’s service territory, you won't receive a full credit for excess solar electricity you send to the grid. The credits you receive will be worth 75% of the rate you pay your utility company.


Other top solar power incentives in Nevada

Solar access rights

Nevada has solar access laws that protect your right to install and generate electricity with solar panels. In Nevada, no contract or other legal document (like homeowner’s association bylaws) can prohibit homeowners from installing solar. You can also enter into a solar easement with your neighbors to ensure that you have continued access to sunshine – necessary for your solar panels to generate electricity!


The federal solar tax credit

Don’t forget about federal solar incentives! With the investment tax credit (ITC), now referred to as the Residential Clean Energy Credit for residential systems, you can reduce the cost of your PV solar energy system by 30 percent. Keep in mind that the ITC applies only to those who buy their PV system outright (either with a cash purchase or a solar loan), and that you must have enough income for the tax credit to be meaningful (unless you’re a tax-exempt entity, in which case you might be eligible for a direct payment).


Nevada energy storage rebates and incentives

Nevada has plenty of sunshine – why not harness that energy to power your home or business through all hours of the day? With a solar-plus-storage system, you can do just that! And thanks to declining costs, federal tax credits, and utility incentives, Nevadans are savings more on battery purchases than ever before.

The best way to compare your solar options and save money at the same time is by registering on the CWP Solar Solutions Website


What storage incentives are available in Nevada?

Unfortunately, Nevada does not currently offer any statewide energy storage incentives. However, NV Energy, the state’s largest utility company, has an advantageous battery incentive program for its customers who pair a battery with a solar panel system.

NV Energy storage incentive program

NV Energy offers an upfront storage incentive of up to $3,000 for homeowners who add a battery to their solar panel system.


The value of the incentive depends on the size of your battery and whether you’re on a TOU-rate; residential customers on a TOU rate plan can receive $190 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of storage capacity, up to the lesser of either 50 percent of equipment costs or $3,000. On the other hand, residential customers on other rate plans receive a slightly lower incentive value of $0.095 per kWh, up to the lesser of either 50 percent of equipment costs or $1,500.

NV Energy’s non-residential customers are also eligible for a storage incentive when installing either standalone storage systems or solar-plus-storage systems. Like NV Energy’s residential offering, these incentive values depend on the size of the battery, but also vary based on ITC eligibility, whether it’s a for-profit or non-profit commercial account, and whether the battery is connected to an on-site renewable energy system. You can learn more about the commercial storage incentive program on NV Energy’s website.



Nevada tax benefits for energy storage

Installing a solar-plus-storage system in NV? If so, you can save thousands on your taxes with the federal investment tax credit (ITC).

The federal investment tax credit (ITC)

With the federal investment tax credit (ITC), you can claim up to 30 percent of the cost of your solar battery as a credit towards your federal taxes. For most homeowners, the ITC can help decrease the cost of a battery by an additional $3,000 to $4,000.

Importantly, standalone storage is not currently eligible for this credit – but it will be starting in 2023 thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act! To claim this incentive for the remainder of 2022, you need to charge your battery with an on-site renewable energy source (like rooftop solar). If you have a residential solar panel system and you charge your battery with electricity from the grid, you cannot take advantage of this credit right now.

Solar Incentives For Nevada

Adding solar panels to your home or business is a big decision, but one that will reduce your NV Energy bill and carbon footprint. 


Let NV Energy help make the process of connecting your solar panels easy to understand, while protecting the safety and reliability of the electric grid.
We offer resources and information to help customers considering an investment in private rooftop solar generation.

*Please be aware that incentives for private rooftop solar are no longer available. Customers who wish to install rooftop solar may still participate in net metering, and apply through PowerClerk to have their solar system interconnected.

  - Understand the Process - Solar Energy
How it Works
Solar Private generation systems are small-scale, on-site solar power sources located at your home or business. These systems often utilize a two-way flow of power on the electric system.
The most commonly recognized private generation system is rooftop solar. Once installed, the system is connected to the electric grid.
Almost all solar panels require that you stay connected to the grid, so you will always receive a monthly bill from us for, at a minimum, the regular basic service charge.
Costs & Cost Savings
There are several methods to acquiring a private generation solar systems, including direct purchase or lease.
An upfront investment in the tens of thousands of dollars is likely. While there is no cost for the sun, collecting its energy for electricity is not free. It typically can take a system anywhere from five to 10 years to pay for itself. However, if you think about it in terms of a return on your investment, you may see returns of seven to 10 percent.
You can also take advantage of the Federal Solar Tax Credit to recoup a percentage of the total system costs.
Average Installation Costs for Photovoltaic Systems (2019)
- Warranty & Expected Life
Typically, warranties on solar panels range between 20 and 25 years and guarantee that the system will continue to produce at about 80 percent after 20 to 25 years. This means you can expect about a one percent or less drop in production each year.
   20 Questions to Ask Your Solar Contractor
   Solar Tools & Tips
  - Benefits
Private rooftop solar systems can reduce the amount of your monthly energy bill, and through net metering you have the opportunity to be compensated for your excess energy. In addition to the money savings, solar panels allow you to reduce your carbon footprint with renewable energy.
Net Metering
Private renewable systems connect to NV Energy through a process called net metering. Through net metering, you are able to send any excess energy generated by your system to the electric grid and receive monetary credit. However, if more electricity is delivered to you by NV Energy than you generate, you are billed the way you would as a regular, non-net metered customer.
For example: On a bright, sunny day, your system may generate more energy than you are consuming at your home or business. Your system will push the excess energy "backwards" through your electric meter and to the grid. Later, when the sun has gone down and your system is no longer generating energy from the sun, your home will use electricity delivered by NV Energy from the grid.
Learn more about net metering and the billing process here.
Energy Storage
Installing an energy storage system to complement your rooftop solar system can bring additional benefits. These systems allow the storage of excess energy generated by your system that can be used to offset other usage during peak demand periods or when the solar system is not generating energy, like at night or during times of cloudy weather. NV Energy also offers incentives to solar customers installing energy storage systems. Learn more here.
  - Getting Started
1. Find a contractor
Hiring a contractor to help install your generating system? View our helpful tips for selecting the best contractor for your project. Then, make sure you're asking the right questions to find the best solution to your needs.
2. Complete the application process and pay application fee.
Your contractor will submit an online application. You'll need to provide a recent utility bill and a signed installation agreement to complete the application. For more information on the application process and fee, please refer to the program handbook.
Southern Nevada Tiered Applications Fees
Generating Facility Capacity
3. Connect your system
Effective August 1, 2021, NV Energy will implement a fee previously approved by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada. A fee in the amount of $400 will be assessed for a Temporary Disconnect/Reconnect service that is required for a customer to make an electric panel change or upgrade. This fee will be reflected on a customer’s NV Energy bill and found under the Miscellaneous Charges & Adjustments section, labeled Temp. Disc / Reconnect Charge.
Customers are able to set up a payment arrangement to cover this fee by contacting Customer Service.
Upon completion of the installation of your system, NV Energy will review your application and may conduct an inspection.
  - Resources

  Legislation & Regulation
The solar electric, wind, hydro and solar thermal incentive programs are governed by state laws in the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS). The Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) creates administrative rules for the programs in the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC).

  Approved Equipment List

  Solar Calculators

  More Helpful Links


Average Installation Costs for Photovoltaic Systems
Nevada Net Metering Initial Review Fee per Application

Add a title here. Make it bold and impactful. Click to edit.

NMR-405, Tier 4 Overview
This is the default net metering rate for newly installed a rooftop solar system of 25 kilowatts or less.
NMR-405 customers receive a monetary credit for excess energy. Here’s how it works:

  • You receive credit for any remaining exported energy after monthly netting of energy delivered by us and the energy we receive from your system.

  • The credit rate for tier 4 is 75% of the retail volumetric electricity rate (excluding public policy charges) and will apply for 20 years.

  • The credits can be applied to future energy consumption charges. Credits cannot be applied to the Basic Service Charge, additional meter charges, Local Government Fees or gas charges (northern Nevada).

  • Remaining credits at the end of the year are carried over to future bills.

  • Credits are tied to the premise. If you transfer service to another location or end service with NV Energy, remaining credits are non-transferrable and non-payable. 

  • Remaining credits at the end of the year are carried over to future bills.

  • Credits are tied to the premise. If you transfer service to another location or end service with NV Energy, remaining credits are non-transferrable and non-payable.

NV Energy example of billing and monthly netting for NMR-405 customers

Current Rates
NMR-405 customers are billed the same as non-net metering customers, but they receive a credit for the extra energy they produce and send back to the grid (see example 2).
The credit is 75% of the retail volumetric electricity rate charges. The retail volumetric electricity rate is composed of the electric consumption rate and DEAA rate component.
Select one of the following rate types you may enroll in for details on energy consumption rates used when your net metering system produces less energy than what you consume (e.g. example 1 above):

To view all charges and other credit amounts for this service type, select the current rate schedule for your location:

For a detailed description of charges, view our guide to understanding your bill.
  NMR-405 Tiers
The NMR-405 Rider is made up of four tiers, which are assigned based on the date of the customer’s net metering application. Your tier determines your Excess Energy Credit rate.
Described on this page is tier 4Click here for information on tiers 1-3.
Click to view current solar capacity numbers.
Contact Us
If you have additional questions or need further assistance, a representative of the Net Metering Billing team will be happy to assist.
Northern Nevada 
Residential: (775) 834-3020 
Commercial: (775) 834-4337
Toll-free: (855) 227-5686
 Southern Nevada
Residential: (702) 402-2330
Toll-free: (844) 882-0767

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